Example 1: Basic Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzles are required to be intersecting, so it may not be possible to include every word that is provided. Choosing the method = 'optimal' will place words in order of maximal overlap with every other word, while method = 'random' will place words in a random order and may therefore result in more words being excluded from the puzzle.

dat <- 
    ~word,   ~clue,
    "dog",   "Bark. Bark. Bark.",
    "cat",   "Purrr",
    "horse", "Neighhhhh",
    "frog",  "Ribbit Ribbit",
    "cow",   "Moooooooo",
    "fox",   "Nee Nee Nee (What does the ____ say?)",
    "sheep", "Bleat",
    "snake", "Hissss",
    "duck",  "Quack",
    "bird",  "Chirp"
ex1 <- crossword(words = dat$word, clues = dat$clue, r = 40, c = 40)
#> Could not place the following words:
#> COW
#> DOG
#> Found positions for 5/10 words.
plot(ex1, solution = TRUE, clues = TRUE)

Example 2: Math Problem Puzzle

Here we create math problems randomly, and then use the english package to automatically convert the numeric solutions into words that are then placed into the puzzle.

#> Warning: package 'english' was built under R version 4.1.3
dat <- dplyr::tibble(
  n1 = round(20 * runif(20)),
  n2 = round(20 * runif(20)),
  sign = sample(c("+", "-"), 20, replace = T),
  problem = paste(n1, sign, n2),
  solution = purrr::map_dbl(problem, ~eval(parse(text = .x))),
  solution_text = as.english(solution)
) %>%
    solution > 0,           # only solutions > 0
    !duplicated(solution)   # no duplicates allowed

ex2 <- crossword(words = dat$solution_text, clues = dat$problem, r = 50, c = 50)
#> Found positions for 14/14 words.
plot(ex2, clues = TRUE, solution = TRUE, title = "Math Makes Me Cross")