There are two poker variants available:
- 5-card Draw Poker
- 5-card Stud Poker
# Setup a new casino
#> No records found.
#> Storing player records at '.paris'
#> Updating value for environment variable 'CASINO_FILE'.
5-card Draw
x <- Poker$new(who = "Gritty", type = "draw", bet = 20)
#> You have no money!
# play one hand
#> You bet 20; you have 80 left.
#> Hand: 8 ♥, 3 ♥, 2 ♠, 6 ♦, 8 ♠
#> Choose cards to `hold()`` and then `draw()`.
x$hold(1, 2, 5) # hold cards in positions {1, 2, 5}
#> Hand: 8 ♥, 3 ♥, 2 ♠, 6 ♦, 8 ♠
#> Choose cards to `hold()`` and then `draw()`.
x$draw() # draw new cards for positions {3, 4}
#> Hand: 8 ♥, 3 ♥, 8 ♠, J ♣, 6 ♥
#> Result: one pair
#> You lost -20!
#> Now you have 80 in your account.
#> Do you want to `play()` again?
5-card Stud
x <- Poker$new(who = "Gritty", type = "stud", bet = 10)
#> Loading player profile...
# play one hand
#> You bet 10; you have 70 left.
#> Hand: 2 ♦, 3 ♦, A ♠, 3 ♥, K ♦
#> Result: one pair
#> You lost -10!
#> Now you have 70 in your account.
#> Do you want to `play()` again?
# play 2 hands back-to-back
x$play()$play(bet = 5)
#> You bet 10; you have 60 left.
#> Hand: 10 ♦, J ♣, J ♠, Q ♠, 9 ♣
#> Result: one pair (jacks or better)
#> You won 0!
#> Now you have 70 in your account.
#> Do you want to `play()` again?
#> You bet 5; you have 65 left.
#> Hand: A ♣, 5 ♣, 8 ♠, K ♣, 4 ♠
#> Result: A high
#> You lost -5!
#> Now you have 65 in your account.
#> Do you want to `play()` again?
royal flush |
800 |
4000 |
straight flush |
200 |
1000 |
4-of-a-kind |
25 |
125 |
full house |
10 |
50 |
flush |
7 |
35 |
straight |
5 |
25 |
3-of-a-kind |
3 |
15 |
two pair |
2 |
10 |
one pair (jacks or better) |
1 |
5 |